Whipping Cream for dessert

Created by Natasha Chand 14 years ago
I was lucky enough to work with David at McKinsey on a llloonnggg winter stint in glorious Boise. Somehow those six months - cramped together in small rooms, in a small town - were some of the most fun months ever. And David was a big part of the reason why. His wit and humour were ever present. He combined two of my favorite things: sharp clever wit and the ability to be as easily amused as a toddler is. We found a restaurant we liked called Mortimers. And what David liked best of all was their whipping cream. He soon became known as the "guy who orders a bowl of whipping cream" for desert. I recently saw him and Melissa at Melissa's ten year GSB reunion. He remained his clever self, ever in love with Melissa and oh so proud of his lovely daughters.